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Since its foundation in 1977, CEOE has represented and advanced the interests of Spanish businesspeople. It brings together, on a voluntary basis, most companies and sole traders of any size or sector through grassroots associations, which form a network of 240 business organizations.


The CEOE was formed

The CEOE was founded on 29 June 1977. Three months later, 408 delegates from 89 territorial and sectoral organizations representing more than 800,000 businesspeople met. The Statutes and Governing bodies were approved.

Presentación Estatutos CEOE 1977
Acto de afirmación empresarial


The Spanish Constitution recognizes the CEOE as a social partner before the Government and trade unions.

The Spanish Constitution recognizes CEOE as a social partner before the Government and trade unions, as well as market freedom following the Confederation’s meetings with political and trade union leaders, in which both matters are requested. (SEE Art. 7 of the Spanish Constitution).


Social Consensus begins

The Social Consensus began in 1979 and culminated with the signing of the Basic Interconfederal Agreement between the CEOE and the UGT. This pact facilitated the passage of the Workers’ Statute. At that time, more than 171million working hours were lost in Spain to strikes.

Firma del Acuerdo Básico Interconfederal
Firma del Acuerdo Marco Interconfederal


The business movement and dialogue and negotiation between businesspeople and trades unions are consolidated

In 1980, the business movement and dialogue and negotiation between businesspeople and trades unions are consolidated As a result, the Interconfederal Framework Agreement (AMI) between the CEOE and the UGT is signed. With the AMI, labour unrest fell by 60%.
PHOTO: signing of the Interconfederal Framework Agreement.

The CEOE opens a permanent office in Brussels

The CEOE opens a permanent office in Brussels so it can closely follow the process of Spain’s integration into the Common Market.


Business leaders reaffirm their support for the democratic process after the attempted coup

In February 1981, employers reaffirmed their support for the democratic process after the attempted coup d’état by declaring their support for the King and the Constitution.

CEOE en La Moncloa con el presidente Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo


The CEOE delivers to the first socialist government the document “An Economic Policy for Recovery and Employment”.

The document “An Economic Policy for Recovery and Employment” is delivered to the first socialist government and the Foreign Promotion Council is created as a specialist body to coordinate and strengthen Spanish companies’ profile abroad.


The CEOE strengthens its messages about competitiveness

The president appears at the Senate Industry Committee in June to call for greater competitiveness, above all to boost SMEs.

The CEOE published two reports: “Competitiveness: the Only Route to Progress and Employment” and “Foundations for a Medium-term Programme for the Spanish Economy.”

Firma del Acuerdo Económico y Social


The CEOE calls for an economic policy that will help Spain to make progress

In October 1984, the Economic and Social Agreement (AES) was signed between the CEOE, CEPYME, the UGT and the Government. Investment, employment and the common market are the elements the CEOE identifies as essential to an economic policy that will help Spain to progress


The First National Congress of Businesspeople is held

On 14-15 November 1985, the 1st National Congress of businesspeople is held; it was attended by more than 2,500 business representatives. It was opened by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain. The next day, the “Spanish Business Day” took place, with more than 8,000 businesspeople from all over Spain. The findings were presented to the government.

Primer Congreso Nacional de Empresarios


Spain’s integration into Europe

The CEOE opens a new headquarters in Brussels to mark Spain’s integration into Europe. Two objectives are pursued. On the one hand, it is to be a permanent centre for monitoring EU policy and, on the other, an advisory centre for Spanish businesspeople.


Boosting Ibero-American business relations

The presidents of the business organizations of 16 Ibero-American countries met at a conference organized by the CEOE and the ILO. At the end of the meeting, joint action plan was prepared by the business organizations of Ibero-America and Spain to be implemented until 1992.

Reunión con organizaciones patronales iberoamericanas
Visita del presidente de la República Argentina, Raúl Alfonsín, a CEOE


General Assembly in Barcelona under the motto “Target Europe 1992”

In 1988, the General Assembly of the CEOE was held in Barcelona under the slogan “Target Europe”; a series of business actions and proposals regarding the Single Market were analysed. The day before the Assembly, the ‘I Business-Youth Meeting’ was held, organized by the CEOE and Employment Promotion.

Prominent political and business leaders visit the CEOE

In 1988, major political and business leaders visited the CEOE. The former included the President of Argentina, Raúl Alfonsín and the President of the Council of State of the GDR, Erich Honecker. From the business world, it is worth highlighting the visit of the president of the French employers’ association, whose initials were then the CNPF, now MEDEF, and the president of the British employers’ association, the CBI, François Perigot and David Nickson, respectively.


2nd Meeting of the Presidents of Ibero-American Business Organizations

In 1989, CEOE organized the ‘2nd Meeting of Presidents of Ibero-American Business Organizations’ in Santiago de Chile, where the foundation of a Centre for Business Cooperation between Ibero-America and Europe was announced.

Cumbre de la Industria - Zaragoza 1990


Spanish Industry Summit

On 23 and 24 January 1990, the CEOE and CEPYME held the Spanish Industry Summit in Zaragoza to assess the situation of the industrial sector and its future with the Single Market in mind. Hence its slogan “To grow in Europe”.

Dissatisfaction over trade union control of Hiring

Businesspeople criticize the Agreement between the Government and trade unions establishing trade union control of Hiring. An agreement that not only the CEOE but also the ILO believes is harmful to freedom of enterprise and for employment.


Institutional Statement about Competitiveness

The CEOE’s Board of Directors issued an Institutional Statement urging the Government to adopt measures to be able to compete in the European Single Market.

Presentación del documento CEOE Pacto de Competitividad 1991
Conferencia Empresarial "La Empresa Española en la Nueva Europa"


Business Conference about the New Europe

The Business Conference was held in Madrid on 30 and 31 January 1992: “Spanish Businesses in the New Europe”. Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain were Honorary Chairs of this Conference.


“Ten Principles for Overcoming the Crisis

An Extraordinary Assembly was held under the slogan “In Defence of Enterprise and Employment”. “Ten Principles for Overcoming the Crisis” were adopted.


Businesspeople set out their position on the Labour Market Reform to Congress and the Senate

In 1994, businesspeople set out their position on the legal text of the Labour Market Reform before the Congress and the Senate, before the Parliamentary Groups CIU, PP, PSOE, and in the Economic and Social Council (CES).



The CEOE, CEPYME and trade unions call for solutions to the political crisis

During 1995, the CEOE, CEPYME and trade unions call for solutions to the political crisis. Moreover, CEOE undertakes a wide range of activities related to EU matters and its Spanish presidency. The European employers’ organization UNICE drew up a “Memorandum on improving competitiveness in Europe”.


European Business Conference on Youth and Employment

Organized by the CEOE and UNICE, now BusinessEurope. A Charter of Commitment to promote youth employment was signed between the 33 European business organizations.


Summit of presidents of European business organizations at CEOE

In 1995, CEOE’s headquarters hosted a business summit attended by the presidents of the main European employers’ organizations.

S.A.R. el Príncipe Felipe interviene en la Conferencia Operation Youth Employment


The campaign “The Euro: Our Best Company” is launched

The CEOE signs an agreement with the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs to boost the Euro.


A new phase of discussion and negotiation on labour reform begins

During 1997, businesspeople criticize the “Agreement on the part-time contract agreement between the Government and trade unions and its having been reached on the basis of bilateral meetings. Letters of protest were sent to the Minister of Work and explanatory letters to the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs.

“Ten years of Spain in the EU”

The CEOE presents the document “Ten years of Spain in the European Union”


Signing of the Employment Stability Agreement

The Agreement on Employment Stability, Collective Bargaining and Filling Regulatory Vacuums is signed with the rest of the social partners.


Social dialogue, the euro and personal income tax reform

The CEOE focuses mainly on Social Dialogue, access to the euro and its spread, and the personal income tax reform.

Response to the Agreement on Part-time Recruitmen

Businesspeople criticize the part-time contract agreement between the Government and trade unions and its having been reached on the basis of bilateral meetings.



Visit of Abdullah II of Jordan

The CEOE received the King of Jordan on his official visit to Spain.

Spanish-French Business Meeting

This Business Meeting was attended by the Heads of Government of both countries: José María Aznar and Jacques Chirac.

José María Aznar, presidente del Gobierno, inteviene en la "Conferencia Empresarial 2000: Nuevos Tiempos, Nuevos Retos"


“Business Conference: New Times, New Challenges”

On 22 May 2000, the “Business Conference 2000: New Times, New Challenges” is held to discuss the main national and international economic and social issues. The Prime Minister and the President of the European Council attended. Businesspeople strongly condemned the attack on the president of Adegi, José María Korta.


The CEOE prepares the study “Inflation in Spain

The CEOE prepares a study of inflation and holds the Business Congress on the euro

The CEOE and CEPYME support the “Agreement for liberties and against terrorism.”

In 2001, the CEOE and CEPYME support the “Agreement for liberties and against terrorism” signed by the PP and PSOE.

Collective Bargaining Agreement 2002

The Collective Bargaining Agreement 2002 was signed with the trade unions.

Acto del 25 Aniversario de CEOE


CEOE celebrated its 25th Anniversary at the Teatro Real

In the presence of HM King Juan Carlos I, CEOE held an event at the Teatro Real in Madrid to commemorate the 25th anniversary of its foundation.

CEOE Gold Medal

HM King Juan Carlos I received the CEOE gold medal during the audience granted to the Confederation’s Executive Committee at the Zarzuela Palace.

Tourism Summit

The CEOE organized the Tourism Summit in 2002.



Information Society and R&D Paper

The CEOE publishes a document examining Information Society and research, development and innovation in Spain.

Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution

The CEOE commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution at an event attended by HRH the Prince of Asturias, as the King then was.

Interconfederal Agreement on Collective Bargaining 2003

The CEOE, CCOO and UGT sign the Interconfederal Agreement on Collective Bargaining 2003.

Firma del Acuerdo Interconfederal para la Negociación Colectiva 2003


Agreement to boost investment in Argentina

The CEOE and the Government of the Republic of Argentina sign a collaboration agreement to promote Spanish investment in that country.

Condemnation of the Madrid train bombings

The CEOE and CEPYME strongly condemn the chain of terrorist attacks that took place on 11 March in Madrid.



ANC 2005 and 3rd ASECL

The 2005 Collective Bargaining Agreement and the 3rd Agreement on Extra-judicial Settlement of Labour Disputes are signed.

Hispano-Chinese Summit and Euro-Mediterranean Business Summit

The Spanish-Chinese Business Summit and the Euro-Mediterranean Business Summit took place in 2005.

El presidente de la República Popular China es recibido por José María Cuevas, presidente de CEOE y S.M. el Rey Juan Carlos I


17th Meeting of the Presidents of Ibero-American Business Organizations

Held in November at Punta del Este (Uruguay); the CEOE participated.

ANC 2007

Signing of the Interconfederal Agreement for Collective Bargaining (ANC) 2007



2008-2011 Strategic Plan

The “Strategic Plan 2008-2011” is presented with the aim among the business community of modernizing the Spanish economy.

Agreement to reduce administrative burdens

The CEOE and CEPYME sign an agreement with the Government to reduce companies’ administrative burdens.


José María Lacasa, secretario general de CEOE, en la Conferencia Empresarial


Business meeting in Abu Dhabi

Business meeting in Abu Dhabi on the occasion of the official visit of King Juan Carlos I in May.

Visit from the President of Peru

The President of the Republic of Peru, Alan García, visits CEOE.

CEOE General Assembly

The CEOE General Assembly, under the slogan “Dialogue and Solutions”, attended by the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

José María Cuevas dies

The President of the CEOE for 23 years and a key figure in the development of Spanish business associations.


Meeting at La Moncloa with the Prime Minister of Spain 

The CEOE calls on the government to provide greater liquidity for companies and ambitious measures to address the crisis.

4th Agreement on Out-of-Court Settlement of Labour Disputes

The CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO and UGT sign the 4th Agreement on Out-of-Court Settlement of Labour Disputes.

2009 Business Conference “Pathways to recovery and employment”

At this event, which was held in December at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos in Madrid, the CEOE presented a series of measures and reforms required to boost our economy (labour market, public sector and tax reforms). 

General Assembly

The CEOE held its General Assembly on 1 December.

Conferencia Empresarial 2009
III Cumbre Empresarial UE-ALC


1st AENC 2010-2012

CEOE signed with the trade unions the Employment and Collective Bargaining Agreement 2010, 2011 and 2012, a pact to generate confidence in the economy and to boost labour reform.

3rd EU-LAC Business Summit

The CEOE brings together European, Latin American and Caribbean businesses in Madrid at the 3rd European Union-Latin American and Caribbean Business Summit.

Labour reform

Employers insist on the need to improve reform of the Spanish labour market so as to drive growth and job creation.



Social and Economic Agreement

The CEOE, CEPYME, the Government and trade unions signed the Social and Economic Agreement for employment growth and guaranteed pensions.

Meetings with foreign presidents

Meetings are held with the presidents of various countries, such as Serbia, Chile, Israel and Colombia, as well as with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Reunión en La Moncloa con el Gobierno y la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel
Firma del II Acuerdo para el Empleo y la Negociación Colectiva 2012, 2013 y 2014


AENC 2012-2014

The 2nd Employment and Collective Bargaining Agreement 2012, 2013 and 2014 is signed.

Reports on the public sector

The CEOE publishes two reports addressing the debate about public sector efficiency and transfer of powers.



CEOE General Assembly

CEOE General Assembly under the motto “Time for values, time for people”. The closing ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy.

CEOE Code of Ethics

Approval of the CEOE’s “Code of Ethics and Good Governance”.

Promociona Project

The “Promociona Project” is presented at an event chaired by HRH The Princess of Asturias, now Queen Letizia, to promote women’s access to senior management positions.

Spanish-Portuguese Summit

Juan Rosell, the President of the CEOE, attends the Spanish-Portuguese Summit.


Presentación del "Proyecto Promociona"
Encuentro Hispano-Alemán


Official visit to the United States

Juan Rosell travels to the United States to accompany the Prime Minister on his official visit.

Innovation Summit

The CEOE organizes the Innovation Summit, which was closed by HRH the Prince of Asturias (currently HM King Felipe VI).

German-Spanish Meeting

German-Spanish meeting with the German Finance Minister.


Foundation of the CEIB

The Ibero-American Business Council (CEIB), an initiative of CEOE and the IOE, was created to contribute to the economic and social development of the countries in the region.

Signing of the 3rd CNEA

The CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO and UGT sign the 3rd Employment and Collective Bargaining Agreement (AENC).


Creación del CEIB
El presidente de CEOE, Juan Rosell, en el XI Encuentro Empresarial Iberoamericano


The General Assembly of CEOE closed by H M King Felipe VI

H M King Felipe VI closed the CEOE’s General Assembly, highlighting the Spanish Monarchy’s support, backing and understanding of businesspeople.

11th Business Meeting in Cartagena de Indias

The CEOE organized the 11th Ibero-American Business Meeting on “Youth, Education and Entrepreneurship” and the meeting of the presidents of Ibero-American business organizations as part of the 25th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government in Cartagena de Indias.


40th anniversary of CEOE

It is 40 years since the CEOE was founded in 1977.

Felipe VI presided over the CEOE 40th anniversary dinner.

S M King Felipe VI chaired the dinner to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the CEOE, which was held at the Palacio de Cibeles, the headquarters of Madrid City Council.

Visit of the President of Argentina

CEOE received a visit from the President of the Republic of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, to close the Spain-Argentina Business Meeting.

Spain-France Bilateral Summit

The President of the CEOE spoke at the 26th Spain-France Bilateral Summit and the 27th Meeting of Presidents of Ibero-American Business Organizations.

Gold Medal of Merit at Work

The CEOE receives the Gold Medal for Merit at Work from the Spanish Government.

Education, training and health white papers

The CEOE prepares and presents white papers on education, training and health.


S. M. El Rey Felipe VI en el 40 aniversario de CEOE
I Reunión del Consejo Asesor China-España


Participation in the Interterritorial Council on Internationalization and the B20 Summit

The CEOE participates in the Interterritorial Council on Internationalization and in the B20 Summit held in Argentina.

Presentation of the 4th CNEA

Presentation to the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, of the 4th Employment and Collective Bargaining Agreement (AENC), together with CEPYME, the UGT and the CCOO.

12th Ibero-American Business Meeting

The CEOE participates in the 12th Ibero-American Business Meeting held in Guatemala.

Spanish-Japanese Bilateral Committee

The CEOE participates in the 27th Meeting of the Spanish-Japanese Bilateral Committee for Business Cooperation.

China-Spain Business Advisory Council Meeting

The president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, headed the Spanish business representation at the First Meeting of the China-Spain Business Advisory Council, which was attended by the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez.


Trips to Mexico and Cuba

The CEOE travelled to Mexico and Cuba on the occasion of the Prime Minister’s official visit.20

International Conference on Business and Human Rights

The CEOE participated in the organization of the International Conference on Business and Human Rights.

XXX Meeting of Presidents of Ibero-American Business Organizations CEIB-OIE

The CEOE attends the 30th Meeting of the Presidents of Ibero-American Business Organizations CEIB-OIE, held in Geneva to coincide with the world meeting and first centenary of the ILO.

B20 Summit

The CEOE participated in the B20 Summit held in Osaka (Japan).

Driving green jobs

The CEOE is driving the initiative to progress towards a fair transition and the creation of green job, alongside the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, with more than 100 companies and associations making this commitment.

The CEOE participated in the Madrid Climate Summit

The CEOE actively participates in the Madrid Climate Summit (COP-25), conveying businesses’ commitment to a fair transition and decent green jobs.


S.M. el Rey Don Felipe VI en la cumbre empresarial "Empresas Españolas Liderando el Futuro"


Charitable initiative ‘Companies Helping’

The CEOE Foundation promoted the charitable initiative ‘Companies Helping’ to channel the charitable contributions made by Spanish companies to welfare organizations working on behalf of the groups most affected by the COVID-19 health crisis.

Business Summit: Spanish Companies Leading the Future

In June, the CEOE organized the ‘Business Summit: Spanish Companies Leading the Future’, in which more than 130 Spanish business leaders participated. The participants focused their contributions on how to tackle the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and in their proposals for economic recovery.

CEIB and OIE Presidents’ Meeting

In June, the CEOE’s head office hosted the meeting of the presidents of the member business organizations of the Ibero-American Business Council (CEIB) and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), under the slogan ‘More Ibero-America, our best company.’ The event was attended by His Majesty King Felipe VI.

Opening of the Technical Support Office for European Projects

The CEOE set up the Technical Support Office for European Projects to unify and energize the potential business demands for the subsidies according to the European Recovery Plan. Moreover, the digital platform CEOExEuropa was created to inform, incentivize and energize the potential of the EU funds “Next Generation EU” for economic recovery