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The transparency portal

Citizens’ right to transparency in the public sector and to access to information, with freedom and a fewest limitations possible, is a crucial need in the current social, political and economic context of Spain. The fact of Law 19/2013’s coming into force signals the three objectives of transparency, access to public information and good governance as means to achieve “the democratic regeneration”, the “efficiency and effectiveness of the state” and “economic growth”. In this context, business associations are subject to the obligation of active publicity, which seeks to anticipate the public’s needs and demands for information.

The CEOE wants to continue to show its absolute commitment to transparency in all aspects of its work, as it has been doing in recent years with the voluntary publication of all the information the aforementioned Law requires. To make it easier for the general public to access, and promote the availability of, information, we have brought together in a single portal all the economic, budgetary and statistical information referred to in article 8 of the Law.

Statutes of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations

Statutes governing the work of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).

CEOE Code of Ethics and Good Governance

The Code of Ethics and Good Governance regulating the work of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).


Corporate policy on anti-corruption

The CEOE is fully committed to the fight against corruption and promotes establishing an ethical business culture. The CEOE has therefore implemented a series of Compliance Policies thatdevelop the principles and values set out in its Code of Ethics and Good Governance and which regulate the Confederation’s operations according to the principles of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and responsibility.


Notable among the various internal policies put in place by the CEOE is the Anti-Corruption Policy which, among other measures, prohibits giving or receiving any donation or gift as a bribe or where the intention is to influence the recipient for illegitimate purposes. Absolute prohibitions are also put in place for civil servants and public employees.


Moreover, the CEOE has implemented other internal rules, such as the Hiring and Procurement Policy, which imposes controls to fight corruption and guarantees that the services and products the Confederation purchases are of the highest quality.


Annual accounts and audit reports

Read the annual accounts and audit reports of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).


The CEOE presents the Organization’s budgets each year through its Board of Directors for approval by the General Assembly.

Agreements and contracts

The CEOE participates with different Public Bodies in the development of various projects by signing the following Agreements: