Governing bodies and statutory Committees

The CEOE has two statutory Committees, whose composition and responsibilities are set out in the statutes. The General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee are the Confederation’s Governing Bodies.
The General Assembly, meeting in Plenary Session, is the Confederation’s supreme governing and decision-making body. The Plenary consists of all the representatives of the full member organizations of the Confederation.
The Board of Directors is the Confederation’s ordinary governing, management, administrative and executive body, and consists of representatives of the member organizations of the General Assembly. Its functions include leading the Confederation’s activities according to its powers and making the necessary arrangements fully to implement the decisions of the General Assembly. Each year, it also prepares, for approval by the Assembly, the Annual Report on Activities and the budgets and settlement of accounts.
The Executive Committee is the permanent collegiate body concerned with the governance, administration and management of the Confederation. Its functions include duties not expressly entrusted to other governing bodies, notwithstanding the fact that the General Assembly is ultimately responsible for all matters.
The CEOE has two statutory committees, whose (restricted) composition and responsibilities are set out in the statutes.
The Internal Regulation Committee is a delegated body of the Board of Directors whose essential mission is to ensure compliance with the statutes, and in particular:
- To consider applications for membership of the Confederation.
- To propose amendments to the Statutes necessary to better fulfil the Confederation’s aims.
- To ensure the Code of Ethics and Good Governance is applied and to perform the tasks entrusted to it by the Code.
- To collaborate with the Budgetary and Financial Control Committee regarding the regulations on late payment and its effects on payment of statutory dues.
The Internal Regulations Committee is currently chaired by the Vice-President of the CEOE, Ms Pilar González de Frutos.
The Budgetary and Financial Control Committee is a delegated body of the Board of Directors, whose responsibilities include reporting on the proposals and settling the annual budgets. It also works with the Internal Regulations Committee to comply with the regulations set out in the Confederation’s agreement on late payment and its effects concerning the payment of statutory dues.
The Budgetary and Financial Control Committee is currently chaired by the Vice-President, Mr Salvador Navarro.