CEOE: all companies in one organization
It represents and defends Spanish companies and entrepreneurs. Founded in 1977, the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) is a voluntary association of two million companies and self-employed people from all sectors of activity, who are linked to the CEOE through more than 4,500 grassroots associations.

CEOE relevant figures

Social dialogue and consultation
We have always been committed to dialogue and negotiation with the social partners". The importance of business organisations in our country is reflected in the Preliminary Title of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, which also highlights their contribution to the defence and promotion of economic and social interests.

CEOE's opinion is heard in Congress, the Senate, public administrations and organisations.

Con una vicepresidencia que ostenta Antonio Garamendi

Gestión, organización de viajes a otros países con fines comerciales y de visitas de mandatarios y empresarios a CEOE

The strengthening of the European integration project is a strategic priority for CEOE. It is our membership of the European Union that makes it possible to strengthen the competitiveness of our companies inside and outside the European Union.
About us