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The Ibero-American Secretary General, Andrés Allamand; the President of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and the President of the Ibero-American Arbitration Centre-CIAR, Javier Íscar, inaugurate a conference at the CEOE on Ibero-American arbitration. They stress the importance of continuing to support arbitration as an effective and safe instrument for resolving disputes in the region.


Business and investment opportunities in Medellin and the Metropolitan Area were assessed for the Spanish companies with interests in the area.


The President of CEOE International, Marta Blanco, spoke at the opening of the Spain-Saudi Arabia Business Meeting organised by the Secretary of State for Trade/ICEX, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the CEOE about current investment opportunities in this market along with the Director of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Inmaculada Riera, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia, Badr Albadr, and the Secretary of State for Trade, Xiana Méndez. 

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