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European Union
06 Sep 2022

The European employers’ association BusinessEurope alerts the European institutions about the new tax burdens on companies in Spain

The European employers’ association, BusinessEurope, in collaboration with its member federations, sent a letter on the last day of August to the President of the Eurogroup, the Czech Presidency of the Council, and to the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs and the permanent representative ambassadors of the Twenty-seven, warning of the effect on companies and the economic recovery of the extraordinary measures adopted or being discussed in various Member States in the area of taxation.

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In the text, signed by the Director General of BusinessEurope, Markus J. Beyrer, the organisation expresses “concern” about these “national initiatives and measures.” “European companies are focused on finding solutions to address the immediate consequences of the war in Ukraine and supply disruptions related to the COVID crisis. Governments and authorities, at national and EU level, must do everything possible to prevent the imposition of new burdens on businesses to preserve the EU’s economic influence. This makes it necessary to ensure that all EU policies contribute to stability and support sustained growth and jobs in an increasingly uncertain economic environment,” the letter states.

The letter thus advocates preventing new burdens on businesses that would affect financial stability and their ability to secure credit and would introduce distortions into the market in the long term. Finally, it advocates strengthening the single market and developing a growth agenda that promotes the competitiveness of European companies.

See BusinessEurope letter.

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