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European Union
09 Sep 2022

BusinessEurope urges that solutions be found for businesses and households facing rising energy prices

The European employers’ association BusinessEurope, of which the CEOE is a member, urges that ways be found to mitigate the rise in energy prices which, they point out, “is an urgent matter threatening the survival for both European industries and households.”


In a press release published on Friday, European businessmen have emphasised that it is “essential” that emergency measures be taken in a coordinated manner throughout the European Union, that they be temporary, that their impact be monitored and that they be adjusted if necessary.

BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson said: “Europe needs to return to the normal functioning of the energy market as soon as possible. It is the only way to create the conditions for companies to invest in the green transition.”

The deterioration of the situation in the gas and electricity markets is “exposing a great many European companies to unaffordable energy prices,” the statement said. Many companies throughout Europe plan or have already begun to reduce production or even halt entire production lines.

This press release was published on the day the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU held an extraordinary meeting of energy ministers to discuss emergency measures aimed at mitigating the high energy prices.


Read the full press release

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